Please note-You must be a qualified student, teacher, or faculty member of an academic institution to obtain a Pro Tools license at education pricing. A new 1-Year Software Updates + Support Plan-Education Pricing, which includes access to all new releases and Standard support for one year, renewable annually through my Avid Account.The latest Pro Tools, Education Pricing perpetual license (never expires).To purchase a new Pro Tools 1-Year Software Updates + Support Plan-Education Pricing for perpetual licenses Upgrade now (bundled with Mbox, Fast Track Solo, or Fast Track Duo only) Pro Tools M-Powered 6–8 Without an active 1-Year Software Updates + Support Plan Pro Tools Express Pro Tools, Education Pricing or Academic 9 or later Pro Tools 1-Year Software Updates + Support Plan-Education Pricing RENEWAL, which includes access to all new releases and Standard support for one year.To renew my plan through my Avid Account Renew now Under the Performance section, click the Settings button. Ive been getting a CPU overload message during playback with pro tools 12 when I never used to get them with 10. Click on the Start Menu, type System, and press Enter. Pro Tools 12 CPU overload I have been using Pro Tools 10 for about 2 years and upgraded to 12 not too long ago. With an active 1-Year Software Updates + Support Plan that's about to expire This optimization allows the computer to run Pro Tools more efficiently.